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Avantgarde collection Sterling Silver Ring with South Sea Peal Ring

Avant-garde silver ring

Free thinking that anticipates the future, that is avant-garde. Feel the new style spun by the cool sterling silver and the sparkle of large pearls. The ring with large and small pearls set in asimentry coordinates with silver jewelry to create a mode impression.

Sterling silver and South Sea white butterfly pearl

Ring part height 0.8cm, thickness 0.4cm

Pearl large diameter 1.2cm Pearl small diameter 1.0cm

Pearls are natural gemstones that are formed when foreign substances enter and stimulate the inside of shells and mollusks. At Blanc Iris, we have given priority to the dynamic form of South Sea white butterfly pearls and have not eliminated any bumps or wrinkles on the surface of the pearls that are created during the growth process and do not significantly affect the design of the product.

In addition, each pearl has individual differences.

By phone at +33155485996 or by email at info@blanciris.jp
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