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Chevalier collection k18 Mat Gold with Diamonds Ring

Chevalier k18 matt gold ring with diamonds


Made to order

Please allow 5 weeks from order to delivery for this item.


The word “chevalier” comes from the French word cheval, meaning horse, and refers to a medieval knight. In earlier times, the chevalier ring was worn on the pinky finger by men with royal or noble titles. The motif was engraved with a family crest and served as a signet ring. Over time, the Chevalier ring spread to women, with women wearing it on their pinky and men on their ring or little finger. Let your inspiration guide you and enjoy it as your own personal statement ring.


k18 gold with diamonds, matte finish

Square motif portion: 0.7 cm (length) x 1.0 cm (width) x 0.4 cm (height)

Ring width 0.4cm max.

By phone at +33155485996 or by email at
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